- (239) 427-4697
- 10661 Airport Rd N #10, Naples FL 34109
Here at Avalon Massage Therapy we love the summer time! We train with the gym door open and spend as much time in the sun as possible. As you may have noticed we train barefoot and encourage most clients to spend time barefoot as well. Ever wonder why? Barefoot training is excellent for activating proprioceptive muscles that strengthens our balance and insures well-balanced functional muscular growth. And why is this important? It’s one of the few ways we can prevent injuries and since we’re talking about our ankles, this definitely includes our ankles!
Quickly let’s review our ankle. It’s a hing joint that primarily moves up and down (plantarflexion and dorsiflexion), but when the two joints of the ankle, the talocalcaneal and talocalcaneonavicular, articulate together the ankle can rotate inward and outward (inversion and eversion). The ankle is meant to be a mobile joint, which enables us to move in many directions along multiple planes (forward, backward, laterally, and obliquely).
There are many ligaments that cross the ankle attaching bone-to-bone. The most common mechanism of ankle injury, in 70-85% of sprains accord to the US military, is inversion sprains to the anterior talofibular ligament, basically rolling the ankle inward. Ankle sprains usually happen on uneven ground and when landing badly. For instance when landing on another teammates foot in volleyball or stepping in a whole on the golf course.
As you know we are all about injury prevention so here are a few simple tricks to protect your ankles:
We hope these 4 tips help you enjoy an injury free summer!