Avalon Performance Therapy

Three things that’s making your TMJ Dysfunction worse

3 Things That's Making Your TMJ Dysfunction Worse!

We see a lot of clients with TMJ (temporal mandibular joint) dysfunction at the clinic. While there are many causes and treatments to alleviate the pain, certain habits can make the condition worse. Here are the top three things we recommend you stop doing now:

  1. Clenching Your Teeth: Constant clenching or grinding (often due to stress) places excessive pressure on your jaw muscles and joints, worsening TMJ dysfunction. Instead, try placing your tongue on the roof of your mouth to make clenching harder, and engage your glutes for strength during physical exertion.
  2. Improper Chewing and Swallowing: Forceful or uneven chewing and swallowing strains your jaw, aggravating TMJ issues. Focus on chewing symmetrically, and when swallowing, press your tongue to the roof of your mouth instead of against your teeth.
  3. Forward Head and Rounded Shoulder Posture: Poor posture misaligns your jaw, creating tension that exacerbates TMJ symptoms. Correct this by performing chin tucks, lifting your chest, and rolling your shoulders back. Stretching your pecs and working on thoracic spine rotation may also help.

Addressing these habits is crucial for relieving TMJ dysfunction and improving your overall jaw health. Watch this video for an in-depth explanation of these concepts!